Imagine a competition in which all the high jumpers use the same technique – until suddenly someone comes along and does everything differently. That was Dick Fosbury at the 1968 Olympics. Instead of jumping face first like everyone else, he turned his body at the last moment and jumped over the bar backwards – a technique that became known as the “Fosbury flop”.

By using the Better Movement System, you can improve your mobility, stability, strength and endurance to better cope with everyday life and optimise your athletic performance. The system offers a holistic approach to movement and health based on scientific evidence.

Whether you are an athlete looking to improve your performance or simply want to improve your everyday mobility, the Better Movement System can help you achieve your goals and lead a healthier, more active life.

A whole new perspective on unimagined possibilities.
This new method was revolutionary. It utilised physics and the body’s natural flexibility much better than traditional techniques. Fosbury’s approach allowed him to clear the bar from a different angle and with more efficiency. This led him to victory and changed the world of high jumping forever.
This story shows how important it is to be open to new approaches and methods, especially when it comes to exercise and sport. Sometimes a completely new perspective can open the door to unexpected possibilities.

My motto: I take a differentiated and holistic view of movement.